Silver Queen was the snappiest of the three. The kernels almost bit back as we ate them. The corn flavor was the most subtle.
Butter and Sugar has a classic corny taste. The kernels were a little softer than Silver Queen. Butter and Sugar was the sweetest of the three we tried.
Gourmet Yellow is the classic corn on the cob. It has bright yellow kernels and really good flavor. This is the best variety for grilling as the kernel's skin was a tiny bit tougher and would hold up to direct heat well.
Anyhoo, lotsa corn eatin' going on. Fall is here, so make sure you get your fill before it's all gone and we have to go back to frozen kernels. (Boooo.)
Menu for the Week
First Course: Chicken ravioli with sherry vinegared brown butter
Second Courses:
Sauteed green beans and turnips
Beet and watermelon salad with feta and fennel
Roasted cherry tomatoes with parmesan
Whole wheat french bread
Dorie Greenspan's Buttermilk cocoa cake with malted chocolate buttercream
Teriyaki marinated grilled pork belly
Sauteed greens and cabbage
Grilled corn on the cob
Jasmine rice
Smoked bluefish salad plate
Butternut and radicchio lasagna
Shaved turnip salad
Green salad
Potato leek soup
Ham and cheese turnovers
Jerked chicken
Swiss chard salad
YUM. Nothing better than fresh corn on the cob!
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